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Supermarket Log

Bonjour friends! I don't blame you one bit if you are surprised to see another post. There was, and this is a generous prediction, a 50% chance I would write a comeback post, then shelve this blog for another year. But lo! A week later, here I am. Posting. With text! And photos. And maybe hyperlinks. A miracle! So, what we're gonna do today is talk about...Pinterest. That's right. I'm going to discuss a decade-old app like it's current and new, because this is my blog and I guess in my blog world it is still 2009? Yes We Can!

My relationship with Pinterest is, I imagine, a lot like yours: it felt extremely useful and fun in its heyday, felt a little less useful in the advent of Instagram, and a lot less fun once it started to absolutely **** up Google Image Search results. While I haven't (AND WON'T) forgive the latter offence, I did start using it again recently, and was shocked to discover it both useful AND fun? I had been pinning off and on for design work and house stuff this whole time, but the last time I pinned for fashion these necklaces were in style, and I was sincerely posting to Facebook about how good True Detective was 😬. 2014 was a time.

My reunion with the sartorial side of Pinterest came on the eve of a Montreal girls' trip. I had a particular *moooood* in mind for the items I wanted to thrift for and on the trip. I started with, IMO, the queen of effortless cool, Alexa Chung. She always looks so chic but comfortable; casual but thoughtful. I let the algorithmic powers do their thing, and after a few more pins, my "Clothes 2021-22" Pinterest board looked like it had a very good vinyl collection and "doesn't really need foundation because a tinted sunscreen is enough."

Julie Van Can // Fall Outfit Inspo

Four big thrift wish items came from this exercise: a checkered blazer, a plaid coat, trousers, and loafers. I, sadly, did not have $4000 to spend on Adele's vintage Gucci blazer, but I was undeterred, and took to my favourite Salvation Army thrift store with visions of wool, plaid, and leather in mind. Within minutes, I found a brand new mens' checked blazer, mens' Italian leather loafers, and a cardigan fit for a writer's retreat in a draft english cottage. The only item that eluded me was big cozy plaid coat, but I went to my second favourite thrift store—my mom's house—for that one.

This sounds so elementary and utterly basic, but it was so helpful to have this board in mind. Not just for the items I purchased — for the items I left behind! If it wasn't on the board, it wasn't getting in the cart. Yes, I was sad to leave behind a vintage Le Chateau halter strapped sparkly jumpsuit (it was amazing), but the high from being just moderately more discerning than average made me feel like Suze Orman herself.

Julie Van Can // Blazer, Graphic Tee
① Blazer + Boots: Salvation Army // Shirt: Poshmark // Skirt: Value Village ② Cardigan, trousers + loafers: Salvation Army. ③ Coat: Mom's house // Tee + boots: Salvation Army

I wore each of these outfits on my trip, and felt really comfortable and almost cool. I also felt like I could speech French. But wow! I really really cannot! Turns out Grade 9 level french is actually *not* incredibly useful? While I have a ways to go in my Duolingo lessons, the lesson of making a list and sticking to it is one I'll try a little harder to heed. Just THINK if I made a list before I went to the grocery store - now there's an idea! A list...for your groceries! You could call it a footstuffs...index? A... supermarket log? list??? No. That's terrible. I like supermarket log.

Au revoir les amis, off to trademark Supermarket Log™️!


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