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Feelin’ like Gold

Gold spray painted mason jars for Halloween or Christmas // We So Thrifty

Gold spray painted mason jars for Halloween or Christmas // We So Thrifty

Gold spray painted mason jars for Halloween or Christmas // We So Thrifty

Gold spray painted mason jars for Halloween or Christmas // We So Thrifty

Happy Halloween you Halloweirdos!

I hope you’re all having a glorious day filled with more tiny chocolate bars that you’ll ever admit to a single living soul. While I am currently decked out in a pretty sweet Starfleet uniform today, I’ve been celebrating the season of scary for a good 6 days already. On Friday night, I had my third annual Halloween party, and it was a hootenanny. Before the party, though, I spent a little time doing something I never do – I got kinda crafty, and not in the 1996 Neve Campbell way.

A few weeks back, I read this post from the lovely Meg over at Ginger Snaps, and I feel in love with those shiny little skull heads. I immediately wanted to spray paint all the things gold. I decided to forgo acts of vandalism (although how cool would gold stop signs be!?) and round up the small collection of jars accumulating in my cupboard – Classico jars, jam jars, apple sauce jars and an Arizona Green Tea bottle. I then taped some stripey designs over each of the jars, and paid a visit to Currys, my local arts supply store. A couple of coats later (Ok, just one coat, I’m lazy), and my old jars were transformed. I spray painted a few spiders, bought some tea lights, fresh princess lilies and gourds to finish the scene. Fun fact: that windowed backdrop is from my mom-in-law! She restores old things and makes them pretty again.

ANYSCHWAYS, I set up different various of jars and gourds around my living room for the party, and they perfectly tempered all the other tacky orange and black crap I hung up!

And while I’d like to say my costume was intentionally designed to coordinate to my decor, it was just happenstance that I too was decked out in gold for the party. I went as Vanna White, complete with a functioning wheel (again with the crafts!) and Matt was Pat Sajak. This costume was a stroke of genius because I got to thrift a sparkly dress from Salvation Army for $10, and Matt got to wear a suit. So we both basically went as ourselves.

My guests, though, took things to a whole ‘nother LEVEL. They, too, thrifted the majority of their costumes, and made the “Best Costume” award a particularly tight race this year. Really though? We all got to place dress up and eat candy, so I’d hardly say anyone lost.


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